Sunday, July 6, 2014

Friday, June 27, 2014

Good Lord the exam is over!

Final exam is over, with that I conclude that I have officially ended my second year of university.
Let's give it an AMEN!
I hope I'll do good in this semester.
Well, HELLO internship. I'll be starting my internship this 7th of July, mehhh.
But it's only for 2 months, good Lord!
My friends left me, they've finished their university phase and there's me. Another year left!
So, basically I have one more year to make my U-Life awesome. Let's just pray there'll be less drama.
I HAVE 2 WEEKS HOLIDAY! Woo hoo to that.
for that, I'm just trying to find a little peace of mind. :D

Monday, June 9, 2014


The Neighbourhood (The NBHD)

Jesse Rutherford

Go and have a listen to their song, I can't get over it. It's like he's making love to the mic while he sings, I envy that! Lol

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Hello new day!

I decided to start a fresh new start on this thing. Let's do this!

So, if you ever wonder, I've just deleted my old blog and it's merely because I'm done looking back at the past. I wanted to start fresh, I don't wanna hold back anymore since everyone I know is moving on excepts me? Lol. I know, lame Amy, it has been that way since the very beginning I stepped onto this mean mean world.
What's new eh?
Well, I am in my second year of university life. That's a woo-hoo! It deserved a woo-hoo regardless. Lol.
So, yeah. I managed to live it up until now. Thank God for not flunking in any subjects, or else I'm a dead meat. We are in the study week mode, or I'd say mini holiday? I've been doing less studying, daydreaming much. Sorry that school doesn't excites me so much! But, I do hope that I and my friends can aced this exam. Well, maybe not all flying fucking A's. So, Amen to that!
Now, that is what currently happening in my life. Apart from everything else, I am pretty much not in shape, I've gained a lot of weight so let's just skip that. Lol. 
Okay, reasons why I don't wanna stay in the hostel are because I'm 25 and having a curfew is just too crucial for me. Secondly, I have to do this intern thing whereby I have to have a place to stay. Hence, I can't wait to get this degree done and get on with life. Whatever I'm typing right now is whatever I am feeling at this very moment. Sucks to be me eh, I don't really open up to anyone about this. So yeah, I need to sleep!
Goodnight loves!